This is a really simplified bruiser, I tried to stay away from the muscles and didnt want to get too caught up in the details. I have been jonesin' on drawing some weapons so I wanted to draw the macuahuitl which is main weapon in the Aztec arsonal.
I am not a fan of drawing backgrounds, but I really want to get good at them. This is my attempt at an Aztec temple with the jungle landscape. The idea was that I wanted to create a pov of someone pushing the bushes aside and seeing this great temple...but I got lazy and didnt want to draw the plant life around the edges. oh well.
I said I was gonna come back and fill in the intial sketch that I had posted earlier. So here it is my scanner for some reason is actin really weird so the effect of this drawing is no something I was happy with...maybe its the red tattoos? Dont know, either way the idea was good but I dont think I succeeded. I really like the action pose of him walking, should have done plants instead of huts.
So thats that...Im off to rest my hand and watch the boobtube for a while.
I think this tattoo guy looks cool, yeah your right, it does look weird with the red tats but I think when you color him he'll be fine. And get rid of those huts-ehehehe